
Tuesday, 15 May 2012


        but they’re
        The Mondays,
        A brief affair
        can endow
        the dawning
        of a Tuesday
        with a
        sense of loss.

        © James Rainsford

Note to readers: This was written to commemorate a a very special Monday which began like most Mondays, but ended very surprisingly. Hope you think the poem is succinct and pertinent.
Posted to Open Link Night at dVerse Poets. I'll respond to all who visit and leave a comment. Kind regards to all at the pub this evening. James.


  1. Ah, rare indeed. Well said and, yes, succinct.

  2. Nothing blows the roof off Monday any better! lol James...the longing we're left with as readers after this little burst speaks volumes to the power of your words. A little red in the cheeks as my imagination runs away...

  3. whew...need to recover from the pic that sounds like a surprising monday indeed...wish more mondays had some kind of nice surprises in their pockets...smiles

  4. love and loss go hand in hand...i would say those mondays are worth it even if they come with those tuesdays...smiles.

  5. Such an affair has its perks at the time, but later on might not be so sublime.

  6. Certainly succinct, sounds like one hec of a Monday!

  7. Very pertinent--how few Mondays do we let go with a sense of regret that they've passed. A very tight and yet overflowing sort of poem, James. Enjoyed it much.

  8. Great pic and it sounds like the Monday was worth the Tuesday after.

  9. Definitely succinct and pertinent. I think I could learn to love Mondays if mine held such promise. :)

  10. Lovely picture with a very spirited description in words of fulfillment and loss. It's important to remember that such transient joys make life what it is. Hild on to the moment but ket it flee your arms in joy and gratitude!

  11. These kind of Mondays are so inspiring and invigorating! I think I will write a poem now....on second thought my mind leads me now to other pursuits me thinks!

  12. Brief Poem.
    Brief Monday.
    Both resulted--for me
    in a sense of Tuesday loss.

    And yet......HAPPY!

  13. well i hope the sense of loss, is of something you only have a sense of, as a loss, in the sense it's just a loss of not having that affair of the heart again, right then ;-) perfect pairing of image and verse for intrigue, nice work ;-) thanks james!

  14. The brevity of your poem lends to its allure, James.

  15. Yes, I need on of those kind of Mondays. :) Loved this brief poem.

  16. This poem was definitely a good and sensual read; and the picture was wonderful. But I do feel sorry for both parties involved.


If you wish your views and opinions to be published here, please be polite and respectful. I welcome feedback on my work and will try to respond if you take the trouble to post a comment. Thanks for visiting 'The Sanctum of Sanity.' Hope you enjoyed the experience, James.