
Tuesday, 4 September 2012

This Year’s Deaths

Many dreams ago, love was manifest, but now
there’s nothing more of which we
can sing.

The birds have long since left, and in their
place has come the winter, and though I have
endured past seasons, this year something has
died in me too.

I also yearned for the miracle, when hair like
horses manes would defy the breeze of summer.
When eyes like burning suns would see my soul,
see: and know I was desperate too.

Love me for the reasons that I once found
within myself, and now no longer feel.
Give me my life that once again I may wake
to hear birds sing, and in the coming spring,
watch them build their nests from this year's deaths.

© James Rainsford 2012

Note to readers: posted as my contribution to Open Link Night at dVerse Poets. Your views are welcome, please click on the comments tab below. Kind regards to all at dVerse. James. 


  1. i like the hope in this towards the end..the life, the waking to hear birds sing and how they build nests from this year's death...

  2. Love was manifest, I hope it will be again,

  3. James, much sadness expressed in this poem. Let's hope it's not 'winter' but only 'autumn.' Winter will come in its own time...but not yet. And yes, spring will come again next year and hopefully many more years to come. Sometime we have to really LISTEN to hear the singing of the birds!

  4. Hair goes and eyes dim but the birds do come back mad make the winter hope for love always

  5. Really like this however it is so sad, a miracle needed to re-ignite the spark. I am wondering still about those horses manes defying the breeze.

    'I also yearned for the miracle, when hair like
    horses manes would defy the breeze of summer.'

  6. a lament for passion, to live again..nice James

  7. james you really build this well...the last stanza for me carries the punch to the paritcular the lines...Love me for the reasons that I once found
    within myself, and now no longer feel...i know the numb of the narrator man...

  8. Ya know, James, without wanting to sound full of pride, I tell you I felt a real identification with the words in this poem, right away on first.

    I could quote phrases, but won' just feels like you know me, in this poem.


  9. Very poignant - hope the birds sing.

    Anna :o]


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