
Sunday, 3 April 2011

 A New Face

                We’d only just met,
                and yet, I had a premonition
                that fruition would fulfill the promise
                of this still and silent space
                with our future faces lip-to-lip.

                And that together we should sip
                a draught from deeper streams
                than these small seems
                of oneday dreams.
                which filled our eyes
                and stilled our whys of when,
                to wait a later date,
                where fate had laid aside sufficient time
                to turn this mime of first desire
                into a fire fierce enough to burn away the fears,
                and hot enough to melt the years of separation.
                Proving to us both, ‘Elation Lives’
                and gives to those, who dare to pose the question
                a rarity of find, that mind alone can’t comprehend.

                Perhaps I’m wrong; and we shall not meet again,
                If that proves true, at least this song’s for you.
                And you are due this token,
                For having woken feelings which I feared had fled,
                and showing me, that even when the expectation’s dead
                a look was shared, surprising eyes which cared,
                And cherished hopes I thought had perished
                with the truth, that only youth seemed heir to.

                © James Rainsford 2011

This poem is posted in response to the 'photo prompt' from photographer India Hobson posted to One Shot Poetry on Sunday 3rd April 2011.

You can see more of India's work here:  I hope you'll visit to view her excellent work.

Please click on the tab below to leave a comment. Thanks for visiting, James.



  1. nice...its nice to know those feelings are still alive in there...and yes she is worth the token for the reminder...nice james...

  2. Great line of thought you caught here James, not sure about the staggering you used at the end of the poem, was it intentional? I was looking for the poem i'n a poem thing ;) really deep lines here all that anticipation and excitement with something new x

  3. This has such a great rhythm; it carries you. Lovely write.

  4. Wonderful build up and interesting twist of closure. "Proving to us both, ‘Elation Lives’
    and gives to those, who dare to pose the question"
    Excellent when the poem reaches that pitchy. Great challenge response, James.

  5. James, this is fantastic. Also something that really hit the proverbial "heart home" for me, as I can almost assume that this was the inspiration for such emotion driven text. the line that garnered lump in throat for me:
    "into a fire fierce enough to burn away the fears,
    and hot enough to melt the years of separation."

    Exquisitely excrutiating.


  6. with our future faces lip to lip.the end result of a desire well take!

  7. Adroit internal rhymes advance the reader through the emotions and images, one caress after another, poignant and tender, hopeful but resigned. Technique and so forth aside, I also got a lump in my throat reading this, especially as it approached the end. I can definitely relate.

  8. I love the way your rhymes within lines made the whole thing a very musical read. Thank you! There can never be to many rhymes in the world...

  9. Love the sounds within this poem.

    Thanks, also, for reminding me of Sunday's poetry prompt at OneStop. With all my focus on NaPoWriMo I tend to forget the old faithful prompts!

    Well done!!

    My poetry page.

  10. Very noce read James. Thanks.

  11. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  12. What a wonderful journey. Beautiful lines and language convey the emotion in a poetic, yet surprisingly honest way. There is a very personal and truth~filled confession between the lines and a huge sigh of relief in the desire evoked. I think this is a fantastic and unique take on the image...thanks so much!

  13. Beautifully lyrical. I especially liked the rhyming within the lines. And it is, indeed, wonderful when a feeling you thought was gone is suddenly and unexpectedly awakened.

  14. Your poem rings true in thought, feeling,rhythm and rhyme. It is a lovely reaction to the photo but has no need of it at all to be appreciated. Thank you.


If you wish your views and opinions to be published here, please be polite and respectful. I welcome feedback on my work and will try to respond if you take the trouble to post a comment. Thanks for visiting 'The Sanctum of Sanity.' Hope you enjoyed the experience, James.