
Tuesday, 17 April 2012

A Sonnet for Natasha

Natasha Head in some very distinguished company.   Photo: Copyright James Rainsford.

                                                      I took your thoughts to bed tonight.
                                                      Though we have never met,
                                                      nor maybe ever will; still, this night
                                                      I shared your verse with her I love.
                                                      Softly breathing dreams beneath the same
                                                      celestial sphere, which cover you and us
                                                      from where you are, to us discovering here
                                                      your words, which though created far away,
                                                      touched our fragile lives today.
                                                      And though our years and loves
                                                      and lives are continents apart,
                                                      something of your poet's soul
                                                      alighted here tonight, and
                                                      moved our mutual hearts.

                                                      Thank you.

                                                      © James Rainsford 2012

Note to readers: posted to Open Link Night at dVerse Poets on 17th April 2012.
This is a tribute and a thank you to Natasha Head, a remarkable Canadian poet, whom I have never met, but whose new poetry collection 'Nothing Left to Lose,' prompted me to write the above sonnet, to mark the publication of her work, and in gratitude to her, for widening my poetic experience. 
Thank you for visiting 'The Sanctum of Sanity.'  I'll respond to all who visit and comment. Kind regards to all my fellow poets at dVerse.  James.


  1. Lovely tribute to a talented poet, James :)

  2. How very special.What a tribute.
    I'm in awe of anybody publishing anything, let alone the culmination of words: poetry.
    my post for tonight

  3. Surely in good company on that shelf. Wow, awesome description of her work she will surely like that and deserves it.

  4. lovely sir...not just cause tash is a cool cat, but because to me this is what it is all about you know...about us touching each others lives through our words...and why i love the pub...cause we get to do it each week...peace man.

  5. Oh my word...for once, dear word wielder, I am left speechless. Between you and me, you've even brought my Dad to tears with this (let alone me!!!) There are no words fitting enough to express my gratitude...James...from the bottom of this jaded old heart...thank you!

  6. Beautiful tribute James- really touching and heartfelt- I'm reading the book myself- it's ok- ish....:) I mean it's AMAZIING! He he- as Brian said- this is why I've loved finding @dverse- this is real creativity right here, right now, and right at our fingertips

  7. Wow--this is a lovely tribute to reading itself, to the sharing of poems and hearts, both between poet and reader, and reader and fellow reader--it really is just terrific, and any poet would be especially moved to be the focus. (Of course, there's an odd reciprocity here as you yourself are touching lives with your poem.) K.

  8. What a wonderful tribute to a fellow poet, James. It is indeed amazing how many lives we touch through this medium and, our mutual love of words.

  9. Hello,

    I can relate to this as we all gather to write and share our poetry no matter how far. To breathe in the freshness of words in verse. Each poet touching another poets soul.

    1. What a wonderful tribute to someone who is not only devoted to her craft, but also to the encouragement of so many in this online community of writers.

  10. What a lovely tribute to our dear Tash ~ When a poet has touched our lives, we are indeed blessed ~

  11. Poetry, I have found is a wonderful "connector" to those who have come before and will go after... I often read poetry before bed and find myself NEVER GOING TO SLEEP! ha ha. (now romance books, I'm asleep in ten minutes) go figure :)

  12. Poetry crosses on wings where it needs to go. I'm so proud of Natasha for her fearless approach to writing, and this tribute to her words with your own is tender and moving, James.

  13. Oh, this was very touching. These ways of interacting across time and space are the best gifts writers give. Thank you to her for the gift of her poetry and to you for reciprocating and spreading the joy.

  14. This is wonderful!! Interesting choice of topic and I love the conversation you have with another poet. You capture the intimacy and life of poetry so well.

  15. I love that you sang Tash's praises, James. She is a gifted poet, as are you!

  16. This is such a lovely tribute. She is indeed a talented poet who touches our hearts with her words. I'm betting that you've touched her heart with this poem.

  17. What a wonderful tribute to a beautiful soul. It's also a great tribute to the power of the words we form into greater meaning and how they reach across space...and eventually time.

  18. quite a lovely tribute piece. and a worthy recipient.

  19. A lovely tribute poem. It must be thrilling to know how much your poetry has moved someone, so much so they wrote a poem for you.


If you wish your views and opinions to be published here, please be polite and respectful. I welcome feedback on my work and will try to respond if you take the trouble to post a comment. Thanks for visiting 'The Sanctum of Sanity.' Hope you enjoyed the experience, James.