
Tuesday, 24 April 2012



               Beyond the limit 
               Of what can be said,
               Is this terrible pain in my heart.
               In my head,
               Move the words which I fashion
               To carry the weight
               Of a knowledge
               They weren’t built to bear.
               They buckle and bend
               Into cliché or worse,
               As I try to make verse
               Tell all that I know.

               Beyond language
               Lies a loneliness
               Too profound for words.

                    ©James Rainsford 2012

Note to readers: Posted as my contribution to Open Link Night at dVerse Poets. Why not visit he pub tonight and discover some new thoughts. Thanks for visiting 'The Sanctum of Sanity.' I'll respond to all who leave a comment here. Kind regards to all at dVerse Poets.


  1. Oh! The weight of the sadness in the final stanza is intense! Leaves me with a lump in my throat, and as always, the image couldn't be more perfect!

  2. "Beyond language/ Lies a loneliness/Too profound for words." Beautiful text to match the illustration. I often feel that way about writing. Try as I may the intensity of emotion is to ephemeral to capture.

  3. some times words just will not do..whether written or spoken...this is where the racking sobs come in...not often but...def that last bit is heavy james...nice...

  4. Couldn't take my eyes of that inspiring photograph: visuall, technically and emotionally beautiful.
    And then those words....I've got goosebumps.

  5. There does always seem to be just a little more to say than we can get on paper. Well done.

  6. This really resonates for me, James. That inner core of vulnerability and loneliness no words can seem to bridge, even the magical ones of poetry--though I think they come closest. Still, one strives to write an essence one can't really describe, only feel.

  7. Those last three lines... I can def. relate.

  8. Hello.
    This was so heartwarming, and the sentiment really touched me,for who can really know our lonely moments? I also am a big fan of blues music.I enjoyed this so much.

  9. Ah, yes...when it's beyond words it's painful....and that pain needs to be expressed in someway as Brian says...good capture, James

  10. I like the picture that goes with this verse. This young couple with their Ikea bed and snow white, modern duvet and clothing, are still on opposite sides of the bed and suffering from loneliness. Extremely appropriate for this poignant verse.

  11. Beyond language
    Lies a loneliness
    Too profound for words....
    this spoke to me, profound and excellent write.

  12. James, I know exactly what you are saying here. I HAVE experienced that loneliness, sometimes still do. Truly words cannot express what the heart / mind sometimes feels.

  13. It's hard to capture it...I like the ending words, a sad reminder of what can go wrong ~

  14. Words just sometimes will not come, not even a hum, making one glum and driving them to rum. Life coul be filled but could still be lonely.

  15. I hate to admit it but this poem speaks for me.

  16. Succinct and sad, James, but very good poetry. Once again, I love the rhythm of your lines.

  17. A poem of emotional intelligence and gentle grace. My OLN poem is here

  18. There is that place inside each of us that is a mystery that most often we can't decipher or communicate. That final stanza puts it so well.

  19. Felt this one James- felt it completely - its like- wanting to express a feeling, but just not being able to do it justice, often that feeling is painful, and because you can't get it out- it just grows and grows....great wrtiting my friend - I love it when you pen this weightier pieces!

  20. How true that sometimes words just aren't enough. Carries a great rhythm with it. I really enjoyed reading this!

  21. Thanks to all who've made the journey here, and been kind enough to leave a comment. Your efforts are truly appreciated.


If you wish your views and opinions to be published here, please be polite and respectful. I welcome feedback on my work and will try to respond if you take the trouble to post a comment. Thanks for visiting 'The Sanctum of Sanity.' Hope you enjoyed the experience, James.