
Tuesday, 1 May 2012

I Remember

I remember it rained
on the day we buried
Aunt Alice.

No malice implied
by the weather.
She’d died, we’d cried.

The mood of the day
had much more to say
of the way,
Than all the babble
in the Chapel of Rest.

© James Rainsford 2012

Posted to Open Link Night at dVerse Poets. Your views are always welcome and I'll respond to all who visit and leave a comment. Kind regards to all visiting the pub this evening. James.


  1. oh oh...this says much about aunt alice...tightly penned

  2. really nice the rhyme scheme in it, but also a memory of my own rainy funerals...and i even had an aunt alice...smiles...she used to keep us after school each day...

  3. Rhytmic.
    Better than a blazingly sunny day for it, which always seems inappropriate and a bit of an insult to the person no longer there.

  4. Sorry about aunt Alice...and how true when the day feels that way...The mood of the day
    had much more to say
    of the way,
    Than all the babble
    in the Chapel of Rest. Nice capture, James.

  5. Concise with deep undertones of her life and death ~ Nice share James ~

  6. Great rhythm and rhyme, the weather truly can show just as much or more emotion then other aspects many a time.

  7. So elegantly stated with minimal interuption of unnecessary words. One of my fav pieces so far this week. Very polished and touching. Great line about the whether's unintentional mood. Excellente.

  8. I read it three times. It is beautiful with the word play and melancholy feel. I assume you took the photo - it is beautiful and makes me think to visit one nearby when it is raining as I LOVE the mood it creates.

  9. I love how you've divorced the weather from Romanticism, nicely done.

  10. I have to be honest. I've read this a few times but couldn't really wrap my feelings about it into words. It's much more than it appears to be at first glance. There is both a resignation and sadness to the event that keeps me wondering, and I love that :)


If you wish your views and opinions to be published here, please be polite and respectful. I welcome feedback on my work and will try to respond if you take the trouble to post a comment. Thanks for visiting 'The Sanctum of Sanity.' Hope you enjoyed the experience, James.